"Nick Naylor doesn't hide the truth...he filters it."
Thank You For Smoking is a movie I watched sometime earlier this year, but have since watched it about twice more. If i ever did keep a list of Top 10 Greatest Movies Warren Has Ever Watched, this movie would probably fit somewhere in between of Lucky Number Slevin and Basic.
But enough dabbling and onto the movie.
The movie revolves around Nick Naylor, vice-president of the Academy of Tobacco Studies and lobbyist for all tobacco companies. For those of you who don't know what a lobbyist is, Mr. Nick is the guy who tells the public that tobacco ain't bad. He's the Sultan of Spin- he speaks and is good at it.
Nick Naylor
"You know the guy who can pick up any girl? I'm him... on crack."
"You know the guy who can pick up any girl? I'm him... on crack."
The movie starts off with a basic introduction to Nick's life. Most interstingly of which is his fellow lobbyist friends- the lobbyist for alcoholic beverages and the lobbyist for firearms- collectively known as the Merchants of Death.
The Merchants of Death
The basic storyline is that there is a senator who is going against cigarettes and there is a reporter doing a story on him. He has to deal with both.
The Senator (William Macy from Wild Hogs)
The Reporter (Katie Holmes from Tom Cruise)
And as for the rest of the story it is generally riddled with business errands such as making cigarette movie deals and gagging the former Marlboro Man, each errand showing another aspect to his job of spinning the truth and never being wrong.
All in all though, I just enjoy this movie because of wit.
Wit rocks.
TEH W1+ PWNS!!!!!!!11
Nick: Nope. Just as I hope campaign contributions don't influence your priorities.
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