Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hyper Update

OK, now obviously i have let my blog to rot for quite some time, and with my busy schedule nowadays i dunno what's the possiblity of me actually making entries everyday. So i figure that from now on i'll just write short snippets abt how i feel or what i'm up to bla bla bla. More or less just to keep track of my life, cuz the main reason behind me making this blog was as a diary replacement.

So here's a newsflash of what's happend since my last entry:

Posts held:
English Language Society, Project Manager
Interact, Club Vice President
Chs Prefects Annual Dinner 2005, Organizing Chairman
Prefectorial Board, Penlolong Ketua Publisiti (2) (job for lazy ppl)
Class Nie Project, Sub Editor
Interclass Nie Project, Chief Editor

What i've done so far:
2 Week tour of Eastern Europe
2005 Rainforest World Music Festival (WHICH ROCKED!!)
Nie Class and Interclass project (more so with the interclass one)
Organizing Chairman of 2005 CHS Prefects Dinner (WHICH ALSO ROCKED!!!)
CHS IU/Installation Day 2005 (kinda sucked, but cool badges - anywayz trial & error ^^)
Went for numerous Interact activities here and there
Going for eng lit class at NSTP
Went for exchange student interview

Perhaps i'll put in some writing abt each event or if i'm lazy i'll just put pics...

Ciaoz & rmb to smile :)