Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Here are some pics from today, they're all in very reduced resolution otherwise it would have taken too long to load them all. Although i put my tshirt at the end on a reasonable resolution so that it can be read.

So here are something's to remember (not all, of course):

listening to Jee Ian's scientific thoughts and Hyder's PAS passion.

Warren to Lin: Wanna camwhore camwhore?

Really boring speeches

The Chloe & The Claire

Talking to the lovely ladies sitting in front of me. Thanks for bearing with my smelly feet :p

Joking with Jason and Ram. (WAHAHAHAH SO SMALL!)

the family

Michelle Jane- Editor-in-Chief, Si Xuan- Librarian President/Oriental Music Vice President, Hoong the Zeng Jia Zi, Yi Ning

Michelle Jane's Sweaty Hands

...and her small feet.

...and her orange bras and mickey bras. Whoops that's censored.

Teasing John's baldness (and stupidity).

Wooly peole :D

The fact that our school is freakingly irritatingly chinese.

Seeing Jee Ian read the Complete Works of Oscar Wilde/Stephen Hawking's "Brief History of Time"/Advanced Physics while everyone's studying, yet still gets 1st in class.

Pretty nice pretty people. Lin.Mel.Midge. Future successful women of Times.

HELP Debate team (and 1/2 the form 5 male Indian population). War.Eli.Shan.SB



KDU Debate People!

Making black jokes with Brendan (approximately 1/8 the form 5 male indian population).

Ivan and his latest porn star crazes.

Gabby. The future serial killer.

Kim Tat: Wah, prefect also bring handphone to school!
Warren: Wah, vegetarians also can be fat!


And here's my shirt



Be it the scribblings of signaturess on my shirt,
Or the scribblings of memories on my mind,
Shall they never fade.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Snippet 11 : And for the last time...


thank you :)

Friday, October 13, 2006

another one for sis

The Maidens of Mahjong

Every Friday mum plays mahjong. This usually occurs at a friends house in Tropicana, but this time mum decided to be the host.

These women will play fooooreeevverr. A typical Friday starts off in the early morn with a game of golf. Then after a shower and makan, they adjourn to someone's abode for this ancient chinese game. I took these pictures (it's a combination of 3 photos) at 4pm, they had started playing at around 1pm.

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and even now, as I write, they play.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Snippet 10: Egypt

A column in Luxor Temple (or was it Karnak?)
You can see that the guy's face is chipped off, well that's cuz Romans saw it as pagan belief
They chipped the beautiful sculpting of the Egyptians
Yea, Talibans and Roman Catholics ain't so different.

I kinda forgot the name of this God.

Ok, for story's sake, let's just call this dude John (for obvious reasons =p).

One day, John's village had to go to war, thus all the men left to fight in the war, leaving behind only their wives and children. Hence, to guard the town, John was left behind as well.

Al'abaster figures of John.

When the soldiers came back, they found that all their wives were pregnant. Now that's one seriously busy John.

As punishment, his arm and leg was chopped off (i reckon that this is so he can't do doggy style).

So what God is he? Yeap, you guessed it,

The God of Virility

Who chipped of his dick? Nope, not the Romans.
The Egyptians scraped of his dick and made it into a drink, thinking it would make them more virile.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Snippet 9: Myanmar

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Cicadas anyone?

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They taste like chicken :D

Monday, October 09, 2006

My Cousin Is Lala

Here's my conversation with my cousin (in form 3) who lives in limbang.
I am quite sad, it's conversations with her like this that remind me how my cousin....is a l-llllall.....

I took screenshots so that you can see the numerous smileys that come with lalaness.
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later on, she changed her diplay pic again..

M is your screen having a different picture now?

W yea now it shows me ppl posing with the peace sign

M no lah
M is not a peace sign
M is just a post only

W you mean "pose", not "post"

M ya
M ok

W regardless of whether it is a pose or not, it's still the peace sign

M o ya ^_^ !


Sigh, why is it that God has given me a lala cousin?
I have nothing against lalas as persons, I just have something against their fashion.

I created this a few months ago:

Yes, that is Jay.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

iPod Nano Remastered.



Iit comes in 2GB, 4GB and 8GB.

The 8GB version only comes in black.

My ipod mini's menu button got spoilt.

It's actually much slimmer than the pic makes it seem,
it's thinner than the pencil.

I cut my hair again last week.

you know you love me :)