Tuesday, June 05, 2007


We fired our maid yesterday because we caught her with a handphone. My mum took the handphone and inside were all sorts of 'cinta/sayang' msges and calls. So we figured that she's prolly being lured and tricked by some Indon arse and one day he and his gang will break-in and rob us. To make matters worse, in the phone were pics of her with our clothing on. We actually would have let her stay on though, that is if she had not locked herself in her room and refused to do any work.

In any case, that was yesterday. I've been doing housework since then and one of my tasks today was to clean up her room, damn. For being the cleaner of the house her room was the dirtiest of them all. The floor was dusty and there was some sticky liquid stuff on the floor and it was like little black crap balls. I also found a food container with spoons (yea she steals our chocolates) and many other of my sister's accessories she had taken for herself.

But the worst of all.

Hidden under her bed-side tabletop cloth was a scanned IC of me that I had thrown away.



Ainaa said...

Bloody hell.

Karleng said...

OK shit. wtf man. damn scary

Anonymous said...

wtf, i hope for your sake she is not using your IC to make herself happy.