Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hand Soap

Well that's what this post is inspired by, hand soap.

My maid came to me today, and she was complaining how the downstairs bathroom hand soap was really really really smelly. Yet, i gave it a sniff and i thought it smelt lovely. I guess the crux of what i'm saying is that what one person likes is not necessarily what some other person may like. Like durian.

But anywayz, the thought of how ppl like different smells made me think of pheromones...and from pheromones - love. As u all know pheromones, are chemicals that our body produces to attract mates. It is unsure whether this still applies to humans, but to the majority of the animal kingdom, pheromones are crucial.

So it made me think of how u can love someone, pour all your love into that one soul, where very single passing moment of ur minds inner mechanics revolves around the image of the person u love.


The person may not love u.

I guess its just like that, pheromones are basically the explanation to what we normally refer to as 'love chemistry'. It's strange that without this special chemistry, nothing else matters, no possibility of love can ever sprout without chemistry as its soil, water and light.

Have u ever felt that u have so many similarities with a person til that person could be ur double? Everything u wanted lies with that person. Everything u ever could hope for in ur lover resides within that person.


You don't love the person.

Why? I guess it comes down to 'that' again...


And if everything is based on pheromones it then questions the sacredness of love. I still hold love sacred in my heart and mind. Yet this so-called love is manipulated by a pheromone. Not how compatible u are with that individual, then how is it sacred? Is love not meant to be the unifciation of 2 souls that enjoy each other. Yet this is all played out by a chemical that triggers certain reactions in our brain.

So in the end,

is there love?

Or is it just the wrong hand soap.

Site on pheremones here


Disturbed Archangel said...

LOLX..there wasn't enough pheromones to ignite enough sparks between us i see..=p

Anonymous said...

No wonder u were telling me about skunks in the car [after the icc meeting]