Monday, October 09, 2006

My Cousin Is Lala

Here's my conversation with my cousin (in form 3) who lives in limbang.
I am quite sad, it's conversations with her like this that remind me how my a l-llllall.....

I took screenshots so that you can see the numerous smileys that come with lalaness.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

later on, she changed her diplay pic again..

M is your screen having a different picture now?

W yea now it shows me ppl posing with the peace sign

M no lah
M is not a peace sign
M is just a post only

W you mean "pose", not "post"

M ya
M ok

W regardless of whether it is a pose or not, it's still the peace sign

M o ya ^_^ !


Sigh, why is it that God has given me a lala cousin?
I have nothing against lalas as persons, I just have something against their fashion.

I created this a few months ago:

Yes, that is Jay.

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